Show Social Icons On Custom VF Pages in Salesforce

We can add social icons on custom vf pages using  <social:profileViewer entityId="{!}"></social:profileViewer>.
You just need to pass the contactId or Account Id.

We will found one thing after this that is we don't see linkedin icon on custom page, because  currently Linked in icon is not available in (Custom visual force page) as there is some issue in Linked in and salesforce contract.

Exm Code :
<apex:page standardController="contact"> 
    <social:profileViewer entityId="{!}"></social:profileViewer>
    <apex:detail inlineEdit="false" relatedList="false" title="false"/>

Jquery Dialog Box With Salesforce

Click here to get code from my developer org ...

JQuery AutoComplete With Salesforce

I have implemented jquery autocomplete in salesforce with simple steps and code. 

Click here to get code from my developer org ...

Get Picklist Values in Apex Class Salesforce

List<String> options = new List<String>(); Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Quote__c.Pricing_Selection__c.getDescribe(); List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues(); for(Schema.PicklistEntry p : ple){ options.add(p.getValue()); } System.debug('Options====>>>'+options);

Full Calendar with Salesforce

Here is code for full calendar with salesforce.

Click here to get code from my developer org ...

Fetch Email Template With Varible Values

Why we use ? :
In the many case we need to fetch email body of template with filled values of variables.
Apex Class Code :
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail ;
//--------- Html Body Fetching start here ----------
Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.setTargetObjectId(<CONTACT ID>);
mail.setTemplateId(<TEMPLATE ID>);
String body = '';
Boolean isTextTemp ;
     Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {mail});
     body += '<html>';
     body += '<Body>';
           body = mail.getPlainTextBody();
           isTextTemp = false;
           body += mail.getHtmlBody();
           body = body.replace('<meta charset="utf-8">','').replace('<br>','<br/>');
           body += '</body>';
     body += '</html>';
     System.debug('--------HTML BODY WITH VALUES : '+body);
}Catch(Exception e){
//--------- Html Body Fetching ending here ----------

Note : It only allows to fetch 10 template body at a time . like in loop.
Solution : For this we can use a future method.