Fetch Email Template With Varible Values

Why we use ? :
In the many case we need to fetch email body of template with filled values of variables.
Apex Class Code :
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail ;
//--------- Html Body Fetching start here ----------
Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.setTargetObjectId(<CONTACT ID>);
mail.setTemplateId(<TEMPLATE ID>);
String body = '';
Boolean isTextTemp ;
     Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {mail});
     body += '<html>';
     body += '<Body>';
           body = mail.getPlainTextBody();
           isTextTemp = false;
           body += mail.getHtmlBody();
           body = body.replace('<meta charset="utf-8">','').replace('<br>','<br/>');
           body += '</body>';
     body += '</html>';
     System.debug('--------HTML BODY WITH VALUES : '+body);
}Catch(Exception e){
//--------- Html Body Fetching ending here ----------

Note : It only allows to fetch 10 template body at a time . like in loop.
Solution : For this we can use a future method.